Park for Every Classroom
Professional Development
Equity Centered Climate Change Education
Informed & Empowered
Park for Every Classroom is a education-based partnership that brings together the National Park Service, local classrooms, and community partners.
-> Park staff know their park’s resources and how to communicate their importance.
-> Teachers know their students and how to help them learn.
-> Community partners know local needs and assets.
-> Together, using authentic experiences in the parks & communities, we offer educator professional development aimed at deeper learning opportunities for students.
Check out this article about PEC's expansion and new focus on equity-centered climate change education!
For the latest updates on Park for Every Classroom, visit the National Park Service's website
Or, contact Shauna at
PEC teachers engage at multiple levels, from first-time support for local park education endeavors to serving as teacher-leaders. The investment in professional learning and partnerships with a single teacher can touch the lives of hundreds of students who enter their classroom throughout the course of their career.
The PEC program directly addresses NPS priorities related to education, stewardship, professional development and expanded capacity through partnerships. Participation fosters understanding of what partners, teachers, and students need; helping make the park more relevant, visible, and valuable to the community.
Partnerships are essential to the PEC approach. Local partners increase and leverage resources and provide opportunities one organization alone cannot offer. PEC partners help plan professional development, offer technical expertise, and enhance connections to schools, new networks, and the community.
The PEC program is designed to provide the tools, resources, and support educators need to offer deeper learning experiences for students. The ultimate goal is enhanced stewardship of parks and community. Early evaluation results indicate positive impacts on student engagement and learning.